Dear [Not] Anonymous,
You're quite a spirited person out there, looking for a chance to vent out your frustration, concerning your lack of creativity on my blog space here. Let me make a few things very clear to you. This is my blog. What I write, and what I express is completely my look out here. I don't write here to please commenting retards like you. I've made it quite apparent that I will not tolerate anybody using any sort of profanity out here towards anybody, and you come around, trying to prove you can. Seriously? Are you trying to test my knowledge of the same? Please don't try. It's a losing battle. Concerning your comment, yes it has been deleted for your usage of words, but I might as well reply to you, still. Regarding to what you've said, how there are more serious issues than me not being understood, perfectly reasonable, I say, but, let me just point this out to you- this blog does not concern trade analysis, or world politics, or pop culture or environmental issues. This is a personal blog, with the words, all original, penned by me, about things that concern me on a daily basis. It is a creative space for me to list down words that affect my basic thinking process. If it does not matter to you, stay away from it. If you have healthy criticism to offer, do so, that perhaps being the only reason that I haven't moderated the comments, so that people will be free to point out the good and the not so good points, but you make me re-think that. Trying to put your point across by using expletives, dude, even a fucktard can do that. If you think I write crap, say it, albeit, in a civilized manner. Be a man, and own up to your words. Hiding behind the facade of an unknown person, seriously, what kind of a loser are you? Might as well, reveal your identity and make it seem a fair discussion, nay? Seriously, i wish I could ask you to use your brains, where they are needed. Much sympathies for your lack of vocabulary. Tata now.
Weight Loss Exercise
5 weeks ago
I know its going to be lame, but you just challenged that anonymous person to be a man. What if it were a She, (Woo)Man? :P
Oh my goodness, what a loser!!! How rude!! I'm glad you wrote this, they deserve to be told off!
Where is the like button for this?!
No, really.
One such idiot Anonymous person even leaves this 2 pages long comments on my blog with all the bullshit...
very apt!
Loved the fucktard bit!! :D <3
You go gurl!!! *woot woot*
well said Meher, but i second Anshul, what if it's a girl and not a guy?
@BA and @Mehak Uhmm, I edited the grow a pair part, lets say, if your an individual, own up to your words, eh? :P
@Kaylia Like I said!
@Poulomi haha, so do i. :P
@Nikita :|
@Phoenix :D
@R Woot woot!
LOL!!! ok I have no clue what Ms.(?)/Mr.(?) Anony did... but I loved your reply :P You go girl! :) Thankfully I have never got any anonymous comments but I do meet retards everyday on Facebook :P
And may I just add that I love the "You're silly. oh you're silly" :P
You write so well!!
kicked ass...
dho dho ke maara!
Cool way to deal with "them" :)
Okay you NEED a like button for this! That should totally shut him/her up. :D
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