I wouldn't mind letting go of things.
How and why materialism is always given a lot of importance, I understand, but for me, personally, the world would have been a lot better, if I didn't care.
I'm slowly changing into the woman I want to be. I'm gaining a lot more closure, and my priorities are changing for the better.
I think it was a mistake not to drink today.
Because the world needs to be seen with a more careless light.
I wish attainment was as easy as it seems to the idle mind.
When the dreamy eyes, are slowly loosing consciousness, happiness seems closer than it actually is. But then of course, morning comes with its share of harsh realities. But when you're just about to go to sleep, there is this awkward moment, when happiness seems close enough for you to hug it.
Similar patterns happens when you cry yourself to sleep. Your insides hurt so much, that grief seems to be sleeping next to you.
I want genuine happiness, the kind that makes your eyes smile.
I just want to pour my heart out.